
AI in any app

In-context AI writing assistant for macOS

1000+ people love using Kerlig!
In-app review form
AI Writing Assistant
AI Writing Assistants
Adam avatar


Director of Product Design

"An essential, must-have tool"

Helping with research is a big plus, it makes finding and putting together information a lot easier. If you need to communicate in different languages, it's great for that too. @KerligAIalso helps catch grammar and spelling mistakes. When you're stuck on what to write about, it throws in some good content ideas. Plus, it's really quick.

Angelika avatar


Product Designer

"It's a beautifully designed time saver!"

It helps me write great copy when I design anything in Figma and communicate fast with my teammates on Slack.

Mik avatar


Designer / Owner

"Very helpful app!"

It's very handy. Right at your fingertips, you can find everything that AI offers these days. The ability to create your own presets is a big plus. I don't have to go to the specific webpage to talk to my AI assistant. I have it under one shortcut on my Mac.

Mateusz avatar


Senior Product Designer

"Great app, very easy to use, lightning fast!"

I love how easy it is to use. Keyboard interactions are very intuitive, and overall the experience is very fast and responsive. I love that!. @KerligAI helps me fix my grammar mistakes and improve my writing when communicating with clients and colleagues on Slack & Email.

Lukas avatar


Business owner

"Time saver masterpiece"

Before I used @KerligAI, I had to switch to my browser, open ChatGPT, paste my question, and then wait for the response. Now I can open @KerligAI via a shortcut. It collects information from my clipboard. I can directly ask questions, and the answers are generated in no time.

Michał avatar


Senior Product Designer

"Purchased through pre-order. It turned out to be an excellent deal!"

I really like the native experience and how accuracy feels like an integrated part of MacOS. @KerligAI really helps me improve my text quality and brainstorm in no time!

Andreas avatar


Business owner

"More than just an AI writing assistant"

Sometimes you get a mental block whilst writing, @KerligAI fixes that by putting AI features at your fingertips. Get unblocked in seconds with the power of OpenAI, Anthropic and Gemma. Nobody likes reading an entire article to find a small snippet of information, so website/article summaries are a real time saver too.

Jonathan avatar


Business owner

"Another great app from Jarek"

Aside from the UI, which is stunning, @KerligAI is a subtle and useful helper for everyday tasks. It's easy, quick, and does not get in the way of your daily focus. No context switch is what you want in an AI assistant. 10/10 as always. Help with writing, summarising and transations with everyday tasks.

Stop letting every day look like this:

Typos in messages, leading to embarrassment and lost opportunities5 times😭
Ghosting people due to lack of mental space to write reply5 people👻
Reading articles and PDFs instead of chatting with them2 hours👀
Intimidated by the blank page when starting to write2 times🥵
Context switching between tasks and ChatGPT1 hour😵‍💫

...there is a better way:

Reply with perfectly crafted message

Using your tone of voice

…or just ask about anything

as you would with ChatGPT